31 December 2022
(95 years)
Pope Benedict XVI

Another soul 

The Lord has picked, 

For the 16th time 

Pope Benedict. 

29 December 2022
(81 years)
Vivienne Westwood
Fashion designer

Brass handles are polished, 

A coffin lid clunks 

For Vivienne Westwood 

Who made clothes for punks. 

29 December 2022
(92 years)

Let us say farewell 

To Pele 

Who used a boot 

That wasn’t a welly. 


So Pele is dead 

Greatest player of all time? 

Da, oui, ja, yes, si 


Finding another 

Greatest player of all time? 

It could be Messi 

24 December 2022
(86 years)
John Bird

I’ve just heard 

That John Bird 

Will be interred. 

Spread the word. 


19 December 2022
(63 years)
Terry Hall
Singer (Specials)

Whether you’re small 

Or very tall 

We’re all going to mourn 

For Terry Hall. 

09 December 2022
(79 years)
Ruth Madoc

The star of Hi-De-Hi 

Is the latest one to die 

Now we’ll not know if Ruth Madoc 

Preferred cod or haddock. 

06 December 2022
(84 years)
Jet Black
Drummer (The Stranglers)

Shake your danglers 

For the drummer of The Stranglers 

For Jet Black 

Has laid his last track. 

30 November 2022
(79 years)
Christine McVie

Saddened we’ll be 

For Christine McVie. 

Alas, the Songbird 

Will no longer be heard. 


25 November 2022
(63 years)
Irene Cara

Irene Cara 

Remember her name 

For she’ll never 

Sing again. 

21 November 2022
(75 years)
Wilko Johnson

Today the wrong Johnson 

Gets encased in wood. 

Farewell Wilko 

Of Doctor Feelgood. 


10 November 2022
(82 years)
Nik Turner

Never on the backburner 

Always visual 

Farewell Nik Turner 

And your Space Ritual. 


08 November 2022
(76 years)
Dan McCafferty

We sadly lament 

Another death - 

Dan McCafferty 

Of Nazareth. 


07 November 2022
(98 years)
Leslie Phillips

I say! Hel-lo! 

and Ding Dong! 

Leslie Phillips CBE 

Is gone. 


28 October 2022
(87 years)
Jerry Lee Lewis

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! 

Jerry has joined the celestial choir. 

14 October 2022
(72 years)
Robbie Coltrane

The Comic Strip Presents... 

Another sad event 

For Robbie Coltrane 

Now gets his quatrain. 


Robbie Coltrane 

He drank too much. 

He smoked too much. 

He was too much. 

08 September 2022
(96 years)
Queen Elizabeth II
UK Monarch (1952-2022)

I know that everybody reckoned 

That Queen Elizabeth the second 

Would keep on going and never die 

But she’s just as mortal as you and I. 


Oh queen oh queen 

Where have you been? 

Here. On earth, so long 

96 years you spent alive 

And now that is all gone 


You waved your royal hand 

And you always looked so grand 

As you wore your nice pearl necklace 

Now you leave this pleasant land 

With its sky and sea and sand 

And it’s people oh so feckless 


Oh queen oh queen 

Were you a dream? 

Your palace is now dark 

The corgis are all crying 

And the swans die in the park 


You smiled and said hello 

You were always on the go 

What more is there you can do? 

Now I feel my sorrow grow 

But a new king soon we’ll know 

Thank god it’s Charles not Andrew 


Oh queen oh queen 

What can this mean 

The world has lost its sparkle 

You were so true 

To all you knew 

Apart from Princess Diana 

And Meghan Markle 

30 August 2022
(91 years)
Mikhail Gorbachev
President (Russia)

Good old Mikhail Gorbachev 

Was relatively thought well of. 

He gave us Glasnost and Perestroika 

With just a birthmark and not a goitre. 


Mikhail Gorbachev 

Said he just had a cough, 

But was worse than he said 

For right now he’s quite dead. 


Gorbachev’s wall has fallen 

He’s completely glasnost! 

At the ripe old age of 91 

He wasn’t rushing 

09 August 2022
(88 years)
Raymond Briggs

In the graveyard 

The digger digs 

The resting place for 

Raymond Briggs. 


08 August 2022
(73 years)
Olivia Newton-John

She wasn’t killed 

By a neutron bomb 

But still we’ve lost  

Olivia Newton-John 

30 July 2022
(89 years)
Nichelle Nichols

The trouble with a tribble 

Is not that it tickles 

But puts in a pickle 

The crew and Nichelle Nichols 

27 July 2022
(93 years)
Bernard Cribbins

Bernard Cribbins 

Had a good innings. 

He sang Right Said Fred 

But is quite sad dead. 


He’s alive and well 

And other such fibbings 

No longer apply 

To Bernard Cribbins. 


25 January 2022
(86 years)
Barry Cryer
Writer, comedian

I’m not a liar, I haven’t a clue. 

Barry Cryer, brought smiles to you. 

Was a dier in ’22. 

20 January 2022
(74 years)
Meat Loaf

This powerful singer 

Was once a Dead Ringer 

But a tear must be shed 

For now he’s just dead. 


So heaven can’t wait. 

Out of the frying pan and 

Into the fire. 

12 January 2022
(78 years)
Ronnie Spector

Ronnie Spector 

Wanted to Be My Baby, 

But now she won’t be 

Not even maybe. 

10 January 2022
(71 years)
Burke Shelley

Zoom along, superstar 

All over the land 

Move on music man 

Burke Shelley 

Gave it lots of welly, 

But I’m sorry to talk 

About his last Squawk. 


Poor old Burke’s 

Been taken from us. 

Oft he’d play with 

His John Thomas. 


06 January 2022
(94 years)
Sidney Poitier

They keep on telling us 

You can’t say that here 

But we’ll still say farewell 

To Sidney Poitier. 


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